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What keeps more than 2,000 employees together

Mar 27, 2023 9:16:39 AM

The last six months at All for One have been dominated by our large-scale values project. From Serious Sustainability and Respectful Communication to Pure Enthusiasm and Smart Innovation to Entrepreneurial Mindset and Valuable Space, every month the focus was on a different core corporate value. There was much discussion, numerous challenges were contested, creative ideas were exchanged on the internal communication platforms and many new thought-provoking impulses for working together were given. The final month will now focus on the WE ARE ONE value.


WE ARE ONE - that can mean many things, and for some people it probably sounds like a marketing phrase at first. For us, however, it is clear that this is not just an empty phrase, but our corporate value par excellence. It stands for strong cooperation characterized by trust, appreciation and cohesion. Working toward a common goal and looking out for one another. It is precisely these factors that form the cornerstone of our success and, not least, have brought us through the pandemic in good shape. A value that can be clearly felt in projects, at team events and in daily business and that is actively lived from Hamburg to Istanbul.

And therefore: WE ARE ONE, with over 2,000 employees spread across a wide variety of locations in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Turkey, it is not always easy to be one. But it also shows that it is the diversity and the different backgrounds, characters and lifestyles that make up the big picture at All for One. And ultimately, they are also a clear strength. From delivery to marketing and sales to internal projects, we can benefit from the wide range of ideas and experiences and thus develop new, original concepts and strategies.


Strengthening cohesion, working toward a common mission, pulling together in a unified effort - at first glance, this sounds simple and actually quite natural. But what does the implementation of such a value look like in practice? And is it even possible in day-to-day business when it comes to meeting deadlines, implementing projects and fulfilling customer requirements? The question of where colleagues experience the WE ARE ONE value at first hand shows how diverse the interpretation is here as well.

„All kinds of inquiries from our customers arrive at the Support department. In order to be able to process these quickly and, above all, at a high level, the most diverse areas must mesh well, and everyone must work together. If we don't act in the spirit of WE ARE ONE, the quality of our work suffers - and the customer notices this immediately. “, for example, Markus (Director Support) emphasizes the importance of appreciative, constructive cooperation.

"Particularly because things often have to move quickly in the customer business and you have to gather information from a wide variety of areas, the rapid support of colleagues is essential - it's easy to get stuck on your own."

Pia (Sales Operations) adds the importance of entrepreneurial and respectful cooperation in the group of companies like this:

"It's a great feeling to be able to rely on others and to get feedback at short notice or even after hours. You're happy to go the extra mile for the other person."

WHEN 2,000 EMPLOYEES are PULLing on the same string ...

... then quite a few forces are released. And that's exactly how it should be - joint strengths should be used skillfully and deployed for the success of all. In this way, everyone makes their own personal contribution to the progress of the company. And in the best-case scenario, this is entirely in line with our corporate values, which are at the heart of our cooperation and provide security and orientation.

The values of Respectful Communication, Entrepreneurial Mindset and Valuable Space in particular are strongly reflected in the guiding principle WE ARE ONE and contribute to our mission. Respectful cooperation, in which everyone is given the necessary freedom to contribute and develop in the best possible way according to their competencies, talents and abilities, helps us to achieve the goals we have set together. Together, we create great things that we can be proud of as a unit and that advance our customers, the company and us as a team.


By the way: Here they are – our values:











What is behind each of the seven values? Here you can find out >
To the blog article „Time for Values"
To the blog article „Time for Valuable Space" >
To the blog article „Time for Respectful Communication" >
To the blog article „Time for Pure Enthusiasm" >
To the blog article „Time for Serious Sustainability" >
To the blog article „Time for Smart Innovation" >
To the blog article „Time for Entrepreneurial Mindset" >

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