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What makes a work place a safe space?

A conversation with our colleagues about what it means to them to have a safe space at All for One

Jul 17, 2024 2:11:07 PM

Safe Space, a concept coined as early as 1960s, refers to the idea of a place where anyone, regardless of their gender, ethnic, religious backgrounds, can come together to freely communicate regarding their shared experiences without the worry of criticism or conflict. This concept is also key for any work environment that is striving to provide equal opportunities and employee engagement, as Safe Space offers employees the opportunity to express themselves fully which in turn strengthen their bonds to their colleagues, teams and therefore their employer.
So as Pride Month came to a close, we wanted to ask our colleagues what it means to them to have a Safe Space at All for One. What are some of the adversities they’ve faced as they navigate their professional lives and what are some changes they want to see around themselves so we can achieve a real sense of safe space.

In the spirit of providing a safe space, we wanted to give the opportunity to our colleagues to respond to our questions in various formats, so while some responded anonymously, others shared their names and the Women at All for One have come together to respond collectively, demonstrating the unity and solidarity that defines our workplace culture.

Through these shared experiences, we aim to highlight the collective commitment to fostering an environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered to be their authentic selves.


Defining safe space

How would you define a "Safe Space" in the context of our workplace?

Women @ All for One: A safe space is the possibility to address your personal problems without being scared of getting into any business trouble and to get help and feedback that helps you - because you are talking to like-minded people.

Anonymous: For me, a safe space is a space where I can be myself without being judged or rejected. And even if others don't understand my behavior or don't like it, they still appreciate me as a person.

Susanne (Consultant SAP Technology): In a Safe Space I expect to be safe not only from discrimination that affects me directly but also from forms of discrimination that don’t affect me, like racism and ableism. I expect that people make a conscious effort to use non-discriminatory language and self-reflect on their actions when someone points out something they are uncomfortable with.

In your opinion, what elements contribute to creating a safe and inclusive environment at work?

Erik (Senior Expert Labor Relations): Creating a safe and inclusive work environment requires a multi-faceted approach that includes legal protections, policies, culture, training, resources, processes, and management support. By implementing these strategies and continuously evaluating and improving them, the employer can ensure that all employees experience equal and respectful treatment in the workplace to be optimally successful at work.

Susanne: I think the most important thing is for people to realize that you can think of yourself as an open-minded person who doesn’t discriminate against anyone and still says hurtful things without intending to. And another important thing is to understand how hard and scary it can be for the person who got hurt to speak up. So, one element for creating a safe space is not getting defensive when someone gives you feedback. It’s hard, because you don’t want to think of yourself as someone who can hurt people unintentionally. But it’s necessary that we get used to the idea.

Sezer (Talent Acquisition Manager): Having clear rules against discrimination and harassment, leaders who genuinely support diversity, open communication where everyone can speak up without fear, fair policies that treat everyone equally, celebrating our differences, ensuring everyone can access what they need, supporting groups of employees, and always making sure everyone feels seen & heard, valued and respected.

Ursula (CHRO): First of all, it is trust. Trust at all levels. Seeing employees as human beings and not just as resources. This mindset helps us to establish an open and trusting feedback culture where everyone can be brave enough to give and take feedback and share. Only if this is possible, we can strive as an organization. We have this ingrained in our values, but the best values do not matter, if we, as a collective, do not walk the talk and sometimes go the extra mile to truly work inclusively. It might take some more effort in the beginning but will pay out soon. Working inclusively means taking an extra effort in stakeholder management and being open to bringing all perspectives to the table. In addition, People-related processes need to be designed to avoid unconscious bias. Regular reporting on relevant KPIs can surface issues and inform improvement potential. We are working on all these topics, because psychological safety and inclusivity deeply matter to me.”


How important is it for you to see the representation and visibility of diverse identities within our company?

Anonymous: It is very important to me, because it gives me the feeling that everybody is respected within our company, so I am respected as well. And I think, people who are openminded to diverse looking people also are openminded to other ideas, thoughts, opinions and solutions which is important for personal growth and corporate growth as well.”

Women @ All for One: It is the key to change: you can't live something if you don't see it. You need to see, feel and experience it.

Erik: It is very important because we spend a lot of time at work in our lives and each of us is different and individual. Each of us should also experience acceptance and diversity at work and not have to hide just because he or she is different from the "norm". Our working world is as colorful and diverse as our society.

What does it mean to you to have employer resource groups like Women @ All for One and Rainbow Community? How has it affected your experience as an employee?

Women @ All for One: For us - actively working together with like-minded colleagues, it's one of the greatest things. We support each other, we cheer each other up and we help each other because it is our safe space. We can talk literally about anything and always get support. It's the best!

Anonymous: It is good to know that there are other people more or less like me and who understand me, and the exchange is very helpful and inspiring to me.


Women@AllforOne participating in the International Women's Day "Strike a Pose" challenge.


What does Pride mean to you? What does celebrating Pride look like to you?

Women @ All for One: Pride: you are just so proud of who you are and what you have reached, and nobody can take that from you - so you are standing there with all you've got and a smile from your heart. And to celebrate this and cheering up each other - that is what WE ARE ONE is all about. Come as you are - because you are perfect the way you are, and we need that!

Sezer: Pride is the pleasant feeling and freedom of being able to exist, grow and glow without any kind of attack towards our existence. Celebrating pride to me is remembering the precious feeling of solidarity.

Ursula: For me, Pride is to celebrate our diversity. The entire representation of what makes us successful is because we acknowledge that we, as a company, must be as diverse as our customers and partners are. At All for One, can be proud being diverse and welcoming different perspectives to have a joyful and enriched employee experience and constantly learn from each other. When I joined All for One, I was impressed to see that we have active resource groups which help proactively and in a self-driven way to create awareness and show improvement potential. I explicitly want to thank the Rainbow Community and Women @ All for One for their work.



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